================================================================ Call for Papers GraBaTs 2006 Third International Workshop on Graph Based Tools September 21-22, 2006, Natal, Brazil http://www.inf.mit.bme.hu/GRABATS2006 =============================================================== Aims and scope -------------- GraBaTs 2006 is the third workshop of a series that serves as a forum for researchers and practitioners interested in the development and application of graph-based tools. Based upon mathematically solid underlying concepts, graph-based tools are frequently used in various application areas in software and systems engineering. GraBaTs 2006 is seeking for papers reporting on tools that store, retrieve, manipulate and display graphs. It is the purpose of this workshop to summarize the state of the art of graph-based tool development, bring together developers of graph-based tools in different application fields and to encourage new tool development co-operations. Topics relevant to the scope of the workshop include (but are not restricted to) the following * Tools for Model-driven systems development * Meta CASE tools or generators * Tools for Visual languages: UML, Domain-specific languages, etc. * Model transformation tools * Animation and simulation tools * Analysis tools (incl. verification & validation, static analysis techniques, testing) * Tool integration techniques * Efficient algorithms (e.g. pattern matching, manipulation of large graph models) * Case studies, empirical and experimental results on tool scalability * Novel application areas Research papers with well-founded results (up to 12 pages) and position papers presenting novel ideas (up to 8 pages) are both welcome in these topics. A printed preliminary proceedings will be available for the workshop. Final versions of accepted papers will be published in a new electronic journal "Electronic Communications of EASST". Furthermore, this year's workshop will have a special focus on tool presentations organized as a separate session on the first day of the workshop. Thus authors are also encouraged to submit tool papers (up to 12 pages, also to be included in the proceedings) which report on new features of existing tools or completely novel tools having graph-based foundations. The presentations of tools papers should contain a mandatory live demonstration part during the workshop. Submissions should be sent to grabats [AT] finwe.inf.mit.bme.hu Important dates: ---------------------------- Paper submission: June 19th, 2006 Notification of acceptance: July 24th, 2006 Camera-ready version: August 21st, 2006 Program Committee: ------------------ Luciano Baresi (Politecnico di Milano, IT) David Deharbe (Federal Univ. of Rio Grande, Natal, BR) Holger Giese (Univ. of Paderborn, DE) Gabor Karsai (Vanderbilt University, USA) Mark Minas (Univ. Bundeswehr Munich, DE) Arend Rensink (Univ. Twente, NL) Andy Schuerr (TU Darmstadt, DE) Gabi Taentzer (TU Berlin, DE) Hans Vangheluwe (Mc Gill University, CA) Pieter Van Gorp (Univ. Antwerpen, BE) Daniel Varro (TU Budapest, HU) Andreas Winter (Univ. of Koblenz-Landau, DE) Albert Zuendorf (Univ. Kassel, DE) Organizers: ----------- Albert Zuendorf (Univ. Kassel, DE) Daniel Varro (TU Budapest, HU) Please do not hesitate to contact the organizers if you have any questions: grabats [AT] finwe.inf.mit.bme.hu Location: --------- GraBaTs 2006 will be held in Natal, Brazil in September 21-22, 2006. It is a satellite workshop of ICGT 2006, Third International Conference on Graph Transformation. For venue, registration and suggested accommodation see the ICGT 2006 web page: http://www.dimap.ufrn.br/icgt2006/ ============================================================